Wow, first news post. Well, my name is Adam Salter, I come from Australia, and I've made two finished flashes (see below). They're not very good, I know. I made them, like, last year, before I had my wacom tablet. They're not the worst things on NG, so I can at least be proud of that.
As you can see, my favourite band at the minute is 'The Police'. I recently bought their latest compilation CD called...'The Police'. It's really good, it contains all thier hits (except 'Don't Stand So Close To Me '86', which isn't missed), and some album tracks as well. Since I bought it locally we got 30 tracks instead of 28 tracks (woot), although I can see why they got rid of the two songs they did. They weren't bad or anythin', it's just that some elements were a bit risque. Ok, ok, I'll stop talking about my Cd now. I might actually do that in a seperate post later, anyway.
If you have any ideas I could make into flash (trust me, my ability to animate is MUCH better than what I have submitted so far), you can leave a comment here, or just email me. I don't check my emails enough, though, so you should prolly just leave a comment here. No spam, plz :)
sorry, but your submissions are not the lowest on newgrounds....
<a href=""> /87567</a>
Uhh...that's a GOOD thing. I would like to produce quality work, not filth.